认证、标准化 and Conformity Assessment

Certificate Program on 认证、标准化 and Conformity Assessment

International Accreditation Service and California State University Dominguez Hills

IAS -国际认可服务基督教社会联盟DH and the IAS have developed a 4-Module Certificate for IAS clients, 国际商会会员, 评估员, and Subject Matter Experts involved in conformity assessment. 该项目面向大学生/校友, STEM and technical professionals with practical experience in one or more of the following areas:

  • 质量管理
  • 标准开发组织的成员资格
  • Accreditation authorities and the staff of testing and measuring laboratories

This course is delivered via a cohort format consisting of four modules instructed by recognized subject matter experts in their areas of 标准化 and conformity. Class meetings will take place via Alternate Modality (Zoom) over five weeks and one additional all day symposium. Delegates must attend all sessions and pass an  examination with a score of 70% or better on the final Saturday to receive this certificate. Students must attend all class modules to pass the course. There are no exceptions and there will be no make-up modules.



模块1 |博士. 乔治Anastasopoulos / Prasanth年代. Ramakrishnan

合格评定原则 -符合ISO/IEC 17000标准, conformity assessment is demonstration that specified requirements (as stated in normative documents such as regulations, standards and technical specifications) relating to a product (3.3)、过程、系统、人或身体都得到了满足.

In this module, conformity assessment principles and techniques will be discussed. The general requirements encompassing the arena of conformity assessment will be addressed.

管理制度- 管理一个有效率和有能力的组织, adequate implementation of management system is essential.

This module examines the essential and needed elements that are required to establish and effectively implement a well-structured management system. The alignment of management systems that conformity assessment practices will be the focus of the discussions and exercises.

模块2 |博士. 乔治Anastasopoulos / 帕特里克J. McCullen 

认可制度- This module will evaluate the various systems of 认证.

The components of an 认证 system will be examined. Similarities among with various 认证 systems will be evaluated for identifying and implementing a best practices scenario specific to an organization’s needs.

Systems of Certification (Products, Management Systems, Persons) - This module will address the systems of certification (Products, Management Systems, Person).

This module will focus on the process of product certification, management system body certification and personnel certification. The perspective of different product schemes implemented in United States and Management Systems certification will be interpreted along with the personnel certification process.

模块3 | Prasanth年代. Ramakrishnan / 帕特里克J. McCullen 

标准化的世界 这个模块区分了什么是标准化, 标准化的需要, 标准化要素, process of 标准化 and benefits of 标准化. 标准化的必要性, 从全球角度看, along the benefits 标准化 can realize to an organization will be discussed.

合格评定中的全球问题 - This module interprets the potential benefits of conformity assessment. 符合性评估, from the perspective transcending barriers of trades and economies globally will be examined, as well as distinguishing the constant challenges encountered in the conformity assessment process and forums.

模块4 |博士. 埃米尔Hazarian

合格评定中的风险分析 This module identifies and explains the risk assessment process., including the determination of quantitative or qualitative estimate of risk related to a well-defined situation and a recognized threat (also called hazard).

计量在合格评定中的作用 This module provides guidance and procedures for assessing the conformity of an item (entity, 对象或系统)具有指定的需求. The item might be, for example, a gauge block, a grocery scale or a blood sample.

考试/项目报告|博士. 埃米尔·哈扎里安/ Prasanth年代. Ramakrishnan

2小时考试+ 2小时专题报告


Instructors will provide the materials for each class meeting.

项目时间表 & 成本

The total price for 认证、标准化 and Conformity Assessment is $599. 3人或以上的团体可享受折扣.



* 时间表 subject to change; consult with instructor for specific date details | Updated Daily










Dr. 乔治Anastasopoulos

Prasanth年代. Ramakrishnan

帕特里克J. McCullen



Domestic and international extensive experience in metrology, 认证, 标准化, 质量保证及相关活动. ISO 17025的主要评估员, 认证ISO 9000首席审核员, 撰写的书, 专家证人, and current president of Measurement Science Conference. Online instructor for metrology classes including QAS 516, QAS 512, QAS 220, 330, 332, 340, 347, 和350年.

Metrology, Quality Assurance, Auditing, Engineering, Expert Witness, Standardization, Lean Six Sigma

ASCA证书:数字徽章 & 凭证

认证、标准化 and Conformity Assessment Certificate



A Certificate of Completion is awarded upon successful completion 必修课程.

Note: Once you have completed all the required courses, you may request your certificate via our online application. The processing time is approximately 6-8 weeks from the time of submission, and includes both a digital certificate link and a printed physical certificate.


了解更多正规澳门平台十大赌博 数字徽章 & 证书

登记 & 联系信息

There are no prerequisites for enrollment and no admission process. 当你准备好注册时,打电话 310-243-3741 (选项1)在营业时间内.

对这个项目有问题吗? 呼叫 310-243-2075、电子邮件 learn@eagle1027.com,或使用我们的 LiveChat↘ to ask questions or leave a detailed message about this program.

For more information and to discover more about this certificate program, contact:

米尔顿·克里沃库卡| mkrivokuca@eagle1027.com

卡拉C. 马丁内斯| kmartinez@eagle1027.com


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